Friday, July 22, 2011

The use of IF in Microsoft Excel

Excel is known by the application number crunchers, it's true because Excel is used to work figures, to make a financial statement is usually, in excel is there such a thing or testing conditions where the contents of each box (cell) can be examined according to certain conditions or what the appropriate no, for more details, we created a classic example of such at the time of making report cards. We can make some columns contain values ​​per subject, then created an average. now determine whether the owners of these report cards will go up a class or not.

use the formula below to find reports
=IF(B2=80,"Very Satisfactory",IF(B2=70,"Satisfy",IF(B2=60,"Enough","Field")))

If value = 80 then the report is Very Satisfactory

If value = 70 then the report is Very Satisfy
If value = 60 then the report is Very Enough
and apart from the value that the Field


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